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OMG! I look like my Mother..

Published 19 August 2019

OMG! I Look Like My Mother
It’s not uncommon to find females looking exactly like their moms. You might not have noticed it until people start pointing it out to you like “Girl, you look like your mother,” and then you look into the mirror and start tracing out the resemblance. It’s usually awesome to find yourself as a replica of your mom. Many times, people are usually happy about a statement affirming them being the replica of their mother, especially if the two have a good relationship.
There are times I’ve had to look up at my pictures on the wall and who I see in the photo is my mother looking youthful. It is awesome. With a beautiful, smart, ever-smiling, humorous, and selfless mother, I don’t think there is any other person I want to look like. When I hear people say, “you look like your mother,” I feel this high and happy feeling inside me. It feels good to look like a respectable person, you know.

I’ve always liked hearing it from people, and I even purposely show my friends my mother’s picture. I just want to hear them echo the same word I’ve been hearing all my life. This certainly endears me to my mother. I also noticed something about this resemblance thing. It makes me want to listen and act like my mother. You know, try to be smart like her, look as beautiful as her, match her kind of dressing with mine, and whenever I have a question for her, I go like ” if you were in this, what would you do?”.
Looking like my mother may be a simple thing, but we all know it’s as a result of the fact that I got a share of her genetic information. So, biology/ genetics is responsible for me having some of my mother’s physical attributes. Several beautiful and sweet things will make you love the idea of looking like your mother. You already know what you’ll look like when you get older. There is a common saying among the male folks. The saying is all about seeing your fiancee’s mother to know what she will look like at old age. Looking at your mother, you can see your image at old age. So, you don’t need to worry about what you will look like in years to come; you only have to anticipate it. You can sure be confident about who you are becoming and antics of how to cope with it.

Looking like your mother may not even be physical; sometimes, we tend to look like them in character too. When you start having your kids, you will find yourself acting more like your mother to your kids. If your mother is loving and caring to you, it becomes easy for you to look like her in character. The more you grow, the more you understand and appreciate the qualities of your mother.

Looking like your mother doesn’t mean you have to be identical, some twins are not even identical, but you are close to looking like her whether with facial features or body structure. It’s just amazing when you go out with your mom, and people begin to ask your mother questions like “is she your sister ?”, especially if you happen to be her first child. As your mother’s look alike, there are a few things you will be able to relate to.

You tend to get the “I know you from somewhere” look more often
If you ever step your foot in your home town or where your mother grew up. Then you should be ready to get and answer the “I know you from somewhere look and question. Your face and your moves will ring a bell to the people around, and you may continue to get the kind of stare that can eventually make you uncomfortable. If you go anywhere around your hometown, or former neighborhood, probably where you lived when you were pretty young or a baby, you will find heads tilting at your direction, eyes straining to look at you and those who can’t contain their curiosity will reach out to you to ask you some questions. They could even mention your mother’s name, and when you tell them that’s your mother, the buzzer goes off like ” whoa, you look so much like your mother.” In your head, you feel like it’s no news.
People can easily guess your surname

No worries about aging
When I look at my mother, and I see how beautifully she’s aging, I just feel like I’m looking at my future.

Seeing yourself in old photos

Can you recognize where your style was inspired in your Mother?
Going through your mom’s photo folder and you can’t stop seeing your face all around. You may at first begin to ponder when you made the hairstyle in the photo. This makes you realize you are impersonating your mom. It’s so much fun to see this. Such a photo can get you staring at it for over 15 minutes.
“Did your mother spit you out.”
Oh well, I don’t like this way of complimenting me on how much I look like my mom, but it’s sure one of the things most mom-look-alike can relate to. Why would you ask me if my mother spit me out? Are you trying to insinuate that I’m not normal? But, I’ve come to realize they mean well, they are simply fascinated by the amazing structure of my mother they are seeing. It sounds gross, but maybe I’m used to it. I can’t get pissed over it anymore after such long years.
Hoping to keep the cool and calm nature of your mother
They say to whom much is given, much is expected. So, I was given this appearance; it’s only appropriate. I play a good part to want to be cool and calm like her. Looking like your mom could make a great way to adopt the great side of her, and you can easily turn down the side you don’t like. I see myself doing the good things that my mother does, and it’s totally fun.
All thanks to genetics that we can look like our mother while living our lives. Cheers to everyone out there enjoying and having fun looking like their mother.